
Transvaginal Mesh

Transvaginal Mesh Q&A Q: What is transvaginal mesh? A: In women, a vaginal mesh support is a way of repairing a common type of pelvic organ prolapsed, which occurs when pelvic organs fall out of place, by stitching the connective tissue in the vaginal wall muscle back together. Q: How can transvaginal mesh hurt me? A: Transvaginal … [Read more...]

Congress Has Deadline of 2016 to Find Funding for Social Security Disability Insurance

Lawmakers Face Loss of Social Security Disability Insurance in 2016 without More Funds While Social Security Disability Insurance is a small part of Social Security overall, the program currently faces the worst problem - in 2016, the program will face such a massive budget shortfall that it will be forced to cut down on payments to disabled … [Read more...]