Strom Law Firm, L.L.C. Georgia

Georgia Takes Second Look at Medical Marijuana Bill

New Medical Marijuana Bill Officially Filed in Georgia House

medical marijuanaAfter failing to pass last year, a new version of Georgia’s medical marijuana legislation has been formally submitted to the House Chamber on Monday, January 26th.

According to Representative Allen Peake, there are at least 17 “medical refugees” from Georgia – families who feel they need some form of medical marijuana and have moved to Colorado or California to receive legal treatment.

“This is not politics, this is kids’ lives,” said mother Katie Harrison, whose 2-year-old son, Hawk, suffers from multiple seizures a day. Chronic seizures are one of the conditions – along with chronic pain disorders and appetite-suppressing disorders like fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, and cancer – that leads many patients to seek medical marijuana prescriptions.

“In first two weeks since she started taking the medicine we saw one seizure every three to four days,” Kristi Baggarly said of her daughter, who also suffers a chronic seizure disorder. “I’m really hopeful that this will be effective for her and we have found the medicine that will be effective in stopping her seizures.”

Baggarly’s family were one of many families who came to Atlanta to watch Peake file the new Georgia medical marijuana bill.

“I’m hopeful we’re going to move it quick and have it on the governor’s desk in two weeks,” Peake said.

The bill would grant immunity for families like the Harrisons and the Baggarlys, who seek medical marijuana prescriptions for their children, usually in the form of CBD oil or cannabidiol, which is the compound in marijuana that can, many believe, treat pain and appetite issues without causing a high. THC is the compound in marijuana that recreational users seek.

“To show the lunacy of a federal law that I can be in possession of a legal product in Colorado and I can be in possession of a legal product in Georgia but I’m gonna get arrested because I’m driving through Kansas,” Peake said.

“I find that very discouraging for families that don’t have access and don’t qualify for the trials to have access. We need it grown here in Georgia so they’re not having to take a risk,” Baggarly said.

“Few would disagree that physicians need every good tool in their medical toolbox to provide the best healthcare possible to their patients,” Thompson said in a statement last year. “During the 2015 legislative session, we will have the opportunity to provide our doctors with an additional tool by marijuana legalization for medical use.”

If You Face Criminal Drug Charges for Marijuana Use, The Strom Law Firm Can Help

Although many states have passed medical marijuana legislation, Georgia still has not legalized the use of marijuana for recreational or medical reasons. You could be charged with drug possession in Georgia. If you or a loved one have been found with medical marijuana, you could face criminal charges ranging from misdemeanor to felony, depending on how much marijuana was on your person, and what your intent was with the drug. The drug crimes attorneys at the Strom Law Firm can help. We offer free, confidential consultations to discuss the facts of your case. Contact us today for help. (912) 289-0501