
Federal Sex Crimes

Georgia Federal Sex Crimes Defense Attorneys

Charged with Federal Sexual Exploitation of a Minor in Georgia?

Whether you have been charged with

  • possession of child pornography: usually defined as children under the age of 17 or 18;or using internet chat rooms to entice a child into a face to face meeting for the purpose of engaging in sexual activity
  • child molestation or
  • solicitation of a minor

The sex crime defense attorney at the Strom Law Firm, LLC will provide experienced and effective legal representation.  We understand that you are faced with a personal and professional crisis and that your personal and professional future is at stake.

You are innocent until you are proven guilty.

Founded in 1996 by former US Attorney and Assistant Solicitor, Pete Strom, Strom Law Firm, LLC is dedicated to your defense if you are convicted of a sex crime. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss the most effective way to defend your case and protect your future.

Criminal Solicitation of a Minor-The Chat Room Fiasco

Often times an arrest for criminal solicitation of a minor is tied to an online chat room.  A  Federal Agent, pretending to be underage, may participate in a discussion of a sexual nature and offer to send or receive pornographic images or even meet in person.

Whether you are charged with criminal solicitation of a minor or possession or distribution of child pornography, there are several common defenses:

  • Did you deliberately offer to send or request illegal pictures or video?
  • Was it actually the Defendant who used the computer?
  • Entrapment

Minors and Sexting

Everyone, including children and teenagers, carries a cell phone these days.  Combined with the recent trend of sending inappropriate pictures, there is a new area of potential liability for child pornography.  While interpretive case law is not completely clear yet, under existing law, it remains illegal to send or receive child pornography including new pictures shared between minors.

If you have been charged with a federal sex crime, contact the criminal defense attorneys at the Strom Law Firm, LLC today for a free consultation to discuss the facts of your case, as well as possible defenses which may enable you to have your charge reduced or even dismissed.